Why Is Acupuncture A Natural Fit For Pregnant Ladies?

Why Is Acupuncture A Natural Fit For Pregnant Ladies?


After marriage, one of the most awaited moments of every female is listening to the news of new members coming. Describing that happiness, that excitement in words is impossible. You can get an estimation from here; no matter how hectic woman days have been, it takes only one little kick to make her feel everything alright. But on the other side, it is not without its ups and downs. Although pregnancy is not a disorder, a mother’s body has to undergo a couple of anatomical, physiological and metabolic changes that join to form a very specific state of being asking for constant adaptation.

But there is a safe and effective practice for pregnant women that can benefit them from pain related to pregnancy symptoms, morning sickness, and weakness. The name of this practice is Acupuncture. If you are pregnant and wish a normal delivery without any minor or major complications, you must understand about this beneficial approach.

What is acupuncture?

Acupuncture is a non-invasive method of alternative therapy. This is a special type of healing art used for physical as well as emotional concerns. Thousands of years ago, this art is originated in China. Traditional Chinese medicine observes the body as two opposing forces, yin, and yang. During acupuncture, a practitioner inserts hair-thin, sterile needles are inserted at specific acupressure points on the surface of the skin. The scientific and strategic placement of the pins increases energy flow, correct imbalances and recover health.

How does acupuncture work?

According to traditional Chinese medicines, “health is the result of a harmonious balance of the equivalent limits of “yin” and “yang” of the life force identified as “qi,” pronounced “chi.” And Disease is said to be the result of an imbalance of the forces. Qi is known as flow-through meridians, or pathways, in the human body. These meridians and energy flows are attainable through 350 acupuncture points in the body.

Injecting needles into these points with proper combinations is used to bring the energy flow back into decent balance. As such, there is no scientific evidence that acupuncture points exist. But according to a study, acupuncture points are viewed as places where nerves, muscles, and connective tissue can be stimulated. The stimulation improves blood flow, provides relief from pain and many other remarkable health benefits.

How acupuncture helpful for pregnant ladies?

There is a long list of health benefits a pregnant lady can experience with acupuncture practice. It helps in easing a wide range of pregnancy symptoms such as heartburn, constipation, swelling in the legs, sciatica, carpal tunnel syndrome and more.

Have a quick look at some of the pregnancy symptoms acupuncture can ease that numerous studies have explained:

  1. Depression

Depression is a common symptom during pregnancy. To understand the impact of acupuncture, Stanford University researched 150 pregnant women who were suffering from depression. Out of them, 52 women were provided acupuncture therapy for 8 weeks. They all experienced a decrease in symptoms when compared to the other pregnant women who were not given acupuncture treatment.

  1. Pain – Lower back and Pelvic

During labor and after surgery (C-section), women experience extreme pelvic and low back pain. To understand acupuncture results in these pain, The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists have conducted a study and come up with result that acupuncture is an effective healing art in providing relief from lower back pain and pelvic pain during pregnancy.

  1. Nausea and Vomiting

If a woman experiences critical nausea or vomiting during their pregnancy and they don’t wish to use medicines as a treatment, acupuncture can effectively help them. In 2013 studied on acupuncture revealed that it was effective for relieving nausea associated with analgesia from C-sections, so it has many uses for relieving symptoms, even in a hospital setting.

Other than that, there are many other health benefits you can get with this effective healing practice, acupuncture. But before starting this practice and getting better results, you should consult with a doctor.

Boston’s Premier Acupuncture and Functional Medicine Center

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