What is an MTHFR Mutation? Whats the solution

Each of us has a unique genetic makeup, which is the ‘code’ that makes you, a well you. When it comes to genetics everyone has differences …you may be certain that you defects, variations or mutations, but not to worry , everyone has them.

MTHFR is the most commons among the mutations and has been linked to a decreased ability to detoxify, as well as over 55+ chronic health conditions including Hashimoto’s and hypothyroidism, blood clots, infertility, cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s, depression, birth defects, and certain cancers….also, its linked to our speciality, unexplained fertility & reoccurring miscarriages.

Every single cell and tissue in your body experiences methylation. Methylation protects your body by repairing damaged cells, optimizing DNA cell function, processing toxins and hormones, metabolizing B vitamins, and regulating neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine, which control mood, behavior, sleep and your overall mental health.

The good news is that, while we used to think that our genes were static and there was nothing we could do about them,  now we  know that isn’t true! An emerging science called epigenetics shows us that genes can be both turned on and turned off based on our environment and nutrigenomics based on how food expresses our gene expression

This is incredible news! It means that your genes are not your destiny.

I believe there are three steps to identifying and overcoming MTHFR mutations: The first step is to educate yourself on what the MTHFR gene mutation is and its potential impact on your health.

What is MTHFR?

Methylene tetrahydrofolate reductase (or more conveniently known as MTHFR), is an enzyme that works as a catalyst for important biochemical reactions in your body. One of the main reactions is to convert vitamin B9 (or folate) into a usable form, known as methyl-folate. Methyl-folate is critical in a process called methylation.

Methylation is used by Every single cell and tissue in your body.

One of the most important tasks methylation performs is turning homocysteine into methionine. Methionine, is a veritable powerhouse – building proteins, repairing and regenerating cells, detoxifying, controlling inflammation, and helping your liver to process fats, among many other functions.

Most importantly, methionine produces glutathione,  your body’s most potent detoxifier. Research has shown that those with autoimmunity and cancer have lower levels of glutathione compared to people without those conditions.

In addition, methionine plays an important role as it is also broken down by your liver into an anti-inflammatory called SAM-e (s-adenosylmethionine), which helps break down your brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) and assists with the repairing of cells.

One of the most important tasks methylation performs is turning homocysteine into methionine. Methionine, is a veritable powerhouse – building proteins, repairing and regenerating cells, detoxifying, controlling inflammation, and helping your liver to process fats, among many other functions.

What is the MTHFR Gene and the Genetic Mutation?

However, up to 50% of the population has a mutation at the MTHFR gene.

The more mutations you have the less of the MTHFR enzyme is able to do its job effectively and the greater the potential impact on your health.

So an overview of what happens:  MTHFR mutations reduce your ability to clear heavy metals

Heavy metal toxicity is often a root cause of autoimmune disease, especially Hashimoto’s, Scleroderma, and Rheumatoid Arthritis

In Hashimoto’s , hypothyroidism ,  infertility. and reoccurring miscarriages …this is particularly harmful because your ability to methylate is already decreased.

At our center we  specialize in fertility and we know that some genetic variants are   essential address for pregnancy, so we now offer genetic evaluations of your 23&me results to ensure you are getting the proper nutrients for your genes to be fertile .




1)  The main roles of the methylation process is to help you to detoxify heavy metals such as lead and mercury and when you have mutations at MTHFR you cannot do that effectively, that heavy metals are often a main root cause for those with autoimmunity and other chronic conditions.

2) Unexplained infertility & autoimmune patients  usually have levels of metal toxicity.   These patients almost always have at least one MTHFR mutation. Anyone with an underachieve thyroid, increases your inability to methylate and your inability to methylate based on the mutation also negatively affects your thyroid.

3) If  you do have one or more mutations, I’d recommend you get tested for heavy metals and work with a functional medicine practitioner to safely remove or chelate these metals from your system.

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